Money laundering exposed by undercover journalists

Money laundering exposed by undercover journalists

Journalists at the London Times are to be congratulated for today, 4 December 2019, exposing a web of alleged money laundering centred on a company formations business based in London.

Of course, the story was originally covered by Guardian journalist Oliver Bullough in 2016 and in his 2018 book ‘Moneyland’.

The Times reported: ‘Leaked documents show links to businesses set up by Formations House, a London-based company at no. 29 Harley Street, that establishes and helps to manage companies, and scams involving more than £300 million.’

‘These include vintage wine frauds, fake stock market tipsters, dodgy gold and diamond traders, overpriced land investment schemes and a Hollywood heist carried out by a bogus aristocrat.’

One of its off-the-shelf companies dates back to 2002 and is for sale for £75,000 while a more recently incorporated company in June 2018 sells for £99.

The message for accountants is to make sure that your AML take-on procedures are thorough. The best place to stop a money launderer from becoming one of your clients is at the beginning of the business relationship.

Our new fully updated AML Policies & Procedures Manual includes a section that fully deals with these requirements and is now available here

It is fully updated for the Criminal Justice (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing) Acts, 2010 to 2018 which came into force on 26 November 2018. It retails at €150+VAT.

See also our on-demand webinars on AML, accessible at any time.

Other webinar topics include Investment Property Accounting, FRS 105, Common Errors in FRS 102 Accounting and the latest on FRS 105 and company law, visit our online webinar training website. Once viewing is completed, customers will receive a CPD Certificate confirming their learning.

Reporting money laundering offences

Reporting money laundering offences

The Criminal Justice (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing) Acts, 2010 to 2018 requires firms to report suspicious transactions based on the premise that a person ‘knows, suspects or has reasonable grounds to suspect, based on information obtained in the course of carrying on business as designated person’ that another person is involved in money laundering or terrorist financing.  This is quite a low bar, as neither proof nor documentary evidence is required.

Suspicious Transaction Reports (STRs) are made internally within the accountancy firm to the Money Laundering Reporting Officer (MLRO) who is the only person designated by the legislation within the firm who may make an external report.

The external report is made the Garda Síochana online at GoAML and is copied to the Revenue Commissioners by post, even if it does not involve taxation.

More details on the reporting requirements are set out in our newly published AML Policies & Procedures Manual, which is available here.

It is fully updated for the Criminal Justice (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing) Acts, 2010 to 2018 which came into force on 26 November 2018. It retails at €150+VAT.

As regards fulfilling the training requirement, see our on-demand webinars on AML, accessible at any time.

Other webinar topics include Investment Property Accounting, FRS 105, Common Errors in FRS 102 Accounting and the latest on FRS 105 and company law, visit our online webinar training website. Once viewing is completed, customers will receive a CPD Certificate confirming their learning.

Record keeping and the RBO

Record keeping and the RBO

The Criminal Justice (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing) Acts, 2010 to 2018 updates the 2010 legislation that was already in place. Among other things it is essential to arrange staff training with all members of your team to ensure they are up to date with the latest changes.

It is also vital to have an up to date set of written AML Policies Controls & Procedures. This written document must include the following:

  1. Procedures for recordkeeping, staff training and the maintenance of appropriate policies, procedures and controls about the obligations imposed by the legislation;
  2. Procedures about the Register of Beneficial Owners (RBO) – with effect from a date to be announced later in 2019, each corporate entity and Industrial and Provident Societies in Ireland are obliged to maintain a register and file certain details with the Central Register of Beneficial Ownership of Companies and Industrial and Provident Societies at the CRO.


The website of the RBO is Entities are also obliged to keep the beneficial ownership information up to date with the RBO at all times. The penalty for not doing so is a Class A fine, which is currently set at €5,000.

More details on these requirements are set out in Appendices III and IV of our newly published AML Policies & Procedures Manual, which is available here.

It is fully updated for the Criminal Justice (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing) Acts, 2010 to 2018 which came into force on 26 November 2018. It retails at €150+VAT.

As regards fulfilling the training requirement, see  our on-demand webinars on AML, accessible at any time.

Other webinar topics include Investment Property Accounting, FRS 105, Common Errors in FRS 102 Accounting and the latest on FRS 105 and company law, visit our online webinar training website. Once viewing is completed, customers will receive a CPD Certificate confirming their learning.

Important obligations under money laundering rules

Important obligations under money laundering rules

The Criminal Justice (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing) Acts, 2010 to 2018 places some important obligations on accountants to carry out AML procedures, among them the following:

  1. The obligation to identify and take risk-based and adequate measures to verify, where applicable, the Directors and beneficial owners of client entities;
  2. The application of the Client Due Diligence (CDD) on a risk-based approach to provide for a proportionate allocation of resources in the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism;
  3. In line with the risk-based approach, the legislation sets out when standard (Normal Due Diligence – NDD), enhanced (Enhanced Due Diligence – EDD) and simplified client due diligence (Simplified Due Diligence – SDD) procedures should be applied to specified client types;
  4. Designated persons are permitted to rely on third parties to meet the CDD requirements. The obligation for ongoing monitoring of compliance with the full CDD obligation still resides with the designated person;
  5. Designated persons covered by the Legislation are obliged to promptly report suspicions of money laundering or terrorist financing simultaneously to the Gardaí and Revenue Commissioners;

It is essential that the correct procedures are followed when applying these rules. More on this is available in our new fully updated AML Policies & Procedures Manual, which is available here.

It is fully updated for the Criminal Justice (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing) Acts, 2010 to 2018 which came into force on 26 November 2018. It retails at €150+VAT.

See also our on-demand webinars on AML, accessible at any time.

Other webinar topics include Investment Property Accounting, FRS 105, Common Errors in FRS 102 Accounting and the latest on FRS 105 and company law, visit our online webinar training website. Once viewing is completed, customers will receive a CPD Certificate confirming their learning.

When Not to Report Money Laundering

When Not to Report Money Laundering

Certain circumstances can arise from time to time when an accountant (as well as certain other designated persons) is allowed to rely on the privilege reporting exemption contained in Section 46 of the Criminal Justice (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing) Acts, 2010 to 2018.

The effect of this exemption, when properly applied, is that no suspicious transaction report (STR) is made.

It is essential that the correct protocols are followed when relying on this exemption, and more on this is available in our new fully updated AML Policies & Procedures Manual, which is now available here.

It is fully updated for the Criminal Justice (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing) Acts, 2010 to 2018 which came into force on 26 November 2018. It retails at €150+VAT.

See also our on-demand webinars on AML, accessible at any time.

Other webinar topics include Investment Property Accounting, FRS 105, Common Errors in FRS 102 Accounting and the latest on FRS 105 and company law, visit our online webinar training website. Once viewing is completed, customers will receive a CPD Certificate confirming their learning.