
GDPR: One Year On

GDPR: One Year On

The GDPR is in place one year on 25 May 2019. How up to date are you on the application of the new data protection...

Avoiding Negligence Claims

Avoiding Negligence Claims

It doesn’t matter what is stated on your fee invoices. It’s more important what is in your working papers and...

Audit Update

Audit Update

Tax advocacy is now banned for all audit clients. True or False?  The answer is ‘False’. To hear why this is false and...

Audit of Insurance Brokers

Audit of Insurance Brokers

The Statutory Duty Confirmation, prepared by the auditor, must be filed with the Central Bank within two months of the...

Accounting for Impairments

Accounting for Impairments

Impairment of inventories is dealt with differently from the impairment of other assets within the scope of FRS...

Accounting for Deferred Tax

Accounting for Deferred Tax

FRS 102.29 permits entities to discount the cash flow impact of deferred taxation as the liability to pay may not...