Patisserie Valerie Collapse – SFO Charges Four Individuals

Patisserie Valerie Collapse – SFO Charges Four Individuals

Readers of our regular blog will be interested to hear that following an investigation lasting five years the UK Serious Fraud Office (SFO) (broadly equivalent to our Corporate Enforcement Authority – the CEA) has just, two weeks ago, brought fraud charges against four individuals, including a former director, who oversaw the financial failure of Patisserie Valerie – a chain of almost 200 high street bakeries.

Charges have been levied against:

●       Former director and Chief Financial Officer of Patisserie Holdings Plc for 12 years, Christopher Marsh;

●       His wife, accountant Louise Marsh;

●       Financial Controller Pritesh Mistry and

●       Financial consultant Nileshkumar Lad.

The SFO started their investigations, codenamed ‘Operation Venom’, in October 2018 just two days after the company abruptly suspended trading, closing 70 stores and causing the loss of over 900 jobs across the country when its debts were revealed. The company was rescued by Irish private equity firm Causeway Capital Partners, based in Dublin 2.

The SFO has charged all four suspects with conspiring to inflate the cash in Patisserie Holdings’ balance sheets and annual reports from 2015 to 2018, including by providing false documentation to the company’s auditors. During this time, the company also reported holding £28 million in bank accounts, yet concealed £10 million in debts from its investors and creditors.

The defendants are summoned to appear at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on 10th October 2023 to hear the charges against them.

It may be difficult to say for sure, but it can be argued that this collapse, along with that of Carillion in January 2018, triggered the Financial Reporting Council’s significant revisions to ISA 240 on fraud (entitled The Auditors Responsibilities Relating to Fraud in an Audit of Financial Statements) and ISA 315 (Identifying and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement).

One of the critical areas that all audits must now focus on is an assessment of the entity’s IT controls.

IT Controls Assessment

Auditors are reminded that there are relatively significant changes in the requirements of ISA 315 Identifying And Assessing The Risks Of Material Misstatement for accounting periods commencing 15 December 2021, which in practical terms means, accounting periods Ended 21 December 2022 and later.

Auditors dealing with the audits of entities with such accounting periods affected by these change will need, to adopt new audit programmes and, in additional to the normal audit tests, to also assess the entity’s IT controls (no ,matter what the size of that entity).

This is a significant new development for auditors of SMEs, in particular, and will be a game changer ion the type of audit documentation and evidence of assessment of such IT controls by the auditor on audit files.

For an easy to implement additional (two page) IT Controls Questionnaire  to help document the above process, please click on this link to download immediately for only €60 + VAT.

Please go to our website to see our:

  • letters of engagement and similar templates. Please visit our site here where immediate downloads are available in Word format. A bulk discount is available for orders of five or more items if bought together.
  • ISQM TOOLKIT or if you prefer to chat through the different audit risks and potential appropriate responses presented by this new standard, please contact John McCarthy FCA by e-mail at

We typically tailor ISQM training and brainstorming sessions to suit your firm’s unique requirements. The ISQM TOOLKIT 2022 is available to purchase here.

CRO Annual Report 2022 and CRO Forum

CRO Annual Report 2022 and CRO Forum

CRO Annual Report

The Companies Registration Office (CRO) published its 2022 Annual Report in July 2023.

Some highlights of interest to accountants and auditors will be:

  • Notices filed about the lack of adequate accounting records maintained by companies (Section 392. Companies Act 2014 – the Registrar received 4 notices from auditors during 2022 (None were filed in 2021 and 7 such reports were filed in 2020);
  • 19 cases (14 cases in 2021) occurred where auditors notified the CRO that their auditors registration number was used to file auditors reports without permission;
  • 7 auditors were removed in 2022 compared to 11 in 2021;
  • 2,655 auditors resigned in 2022, which is a fall of nearly 17% compared to the 2021 level of resignations (3,188);
  • Limited companies make up 89% of the total corporate population at the end of 2022.

CRO Forum

Readers may already be aware that the CRO Forum is where the CRO hosts regular meetings with representatives of its client base, including representatives of the main accountancy bodies – the CCAB-I. This is the forum where issues like the issue of PPSN requirements for Directors are thrashed out. Minutes of past meetings may be viewed here for progress in CRO matters -the last meeting being in June 2023.

The next meeting takes place on 20 September 2023.

IT Controls Assessment

Auditors are reminded that there are relatively significant changes in the requirements of ISA 315 Identifying and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement for accounting periods commencing 15 December 2021, which in practical terms means, accounting periods Ended 21 December 2022 and later.

Auditors dealing with the audits of entities with such accounting periods affected by these change will need, to adopt new audit programmes and, in additional to the normal audit tests, to also assess the entity’s IT controls (no matter what the size of that entity).

This is a significant new development for auditors of SMEs, in particular, and will be a game changer in the type of audit documentation and evidence of assessment of such IT controls by the auditor on audit files.

For an easy to implement additional (two page) IT Controls Questionnaire  to help document the above process, please click on this link to download immediately for only €60 + VAT.

Please go to our website to see our:

  • letters of engagement and similar templates. Please visit our site here where immediate downloads are available in Word format. A bulk discount is available for orders of five or more items if bought together.
  • ISQM TOOLKIT or if you prefer to chat through the different audit risks and potential appropriate responses presented by this new standard, please contact John McCarthy FCA by e-mail at

We typically tailor ISQM training and brainstorming sessions to suit your firm’s unique requirements. The ISQM TOOLKIT 2022 is available to purchase here.