Accounting Changes Bring Tricky Consequences
The new Companies (Accounting) Act, 2017 came into effect from 9 June 2017. It has brought with it, some strange consequences for micro-companies, in particular.
The Act brings into law a new accounting standard for measurement and presentation called FRS 105.
This essentially new accounting framework, among other things, will mean that certain qualifying ‘micro’ companies will not have to disclose details of directors’ remuneration, profit and loss account or include a director’s report in their filed financial accounts. Importantly the standard is not available to charities and not for profit entities and regulated entities. It cannot be used by groups and cannot be used if the micro-entity is being consolidated.
Another issue that arises, is that financial statements prepared under FRS 105 are deemed to automatically give a ‘true and fair view’ without the addition of further explanatory notes beyond those set out in company law, under the Companies (Accounting) Act, 2017. FRS 105 is therefore deemed to be a ‘compliance framework’ and not a ‘fair presentation’ framework (as FRS 102 is). Letters of engagement and representation with clients, using FRS 105, will need amended to make this point clear. Amended letters are available by contacting us here.
Let’s explain these two types of accounting framework:
A ‘fair presentation’ framework (e.g. FRS 102) is one that requires compliance with the provisions of the framework but in addition that it acknowledges that in achieving fair presentation, management might have to make additional disclosures that are not specifically required by the framework and, in extremely rare circumstances, it might be necessary to depart from the requirements of the framework to achieve fair presentation of the entity’s financial position and performance in the financial statements.
A ‘compliance framework’, on the other hand, requires compliance with the provisions of the framework i.e. strict adherence to certain rules is required and the preparers of the financial statements have no choice but to follow the requirements of the framework.
To hear more about this and the latest Accounting Update, come to our next CPD course on Monday 27 November 2017 at the Talbot Hotel Stillorgan.
Click here for details and booking on all November courses.