More on Parts of FRS 102 That Are Not Yet Applicable in the RoI

More on Parts of FRS 102 That Are Not Yet Applicable in the RoI

More on Parts of FRS 102 That Are Not Yet Applicable in the RoI

Following on last week’s blog piece about Section 1A Small Entities FRS 102, which as you know, does not yet apply in the Republic of Ireland (RoI).  There was an error in the blog which stated that charities that were formed as companies limited by guarantee were precluded from using the FRSSE (Financial Reporting Standard for Smaller Entities). However, with the enactment of the Companies Act 2014, companies limited by guarantee may qualify as ‘small’ and may therefore use the FRSSE. Apologies for any confusion.

Meanwhile we would like to draw your attention to another matter in FRS 102. There are now twenty exemptions (where there were previously 18) in Section 35, which many companies will be trawling through, as they transition to FRS 102 for the first time.

Two additional exemptions in Section 35, namely 35.10 (u) ‘Small entities – fair value measurement of financial instruments’ and                 35.10 (v) ‘Small entities – financing transactions involving related parties’ . These exemptions were included in the September 2015 version of FRS 102, specifically for ‘small’ entities.

The exemptions give some relief from the amortised cost rule on, for example, directors’ loans, but companies in the Republic of Ireland cannot avail of them just yet, because the relevant company legislation underpinning these rules has not been enacted. Hopefully this will follow soon after the forthcoming election.

The mechanics of these exemptions is that they relate to comparative information only. Companies will have to account for the transactions in accordance with FRS 102 for the first reporting period that they are allowed adopt FRS 102 and make an adjustment to opening reserves at the beginning of the first reporting period (as opposed to the date of transition).

For more on FRS 102 see the following:

1. Updated Transition Checklist (February 2016 version), for more information please click here.

To assist you with the transition work – retails for €100+VAT and accompanied by free:

  • Template letter to clients

  • List of Main Differences between old GAAP and FRS 102

2. FRS 102 Training Course

To learn the latest developments in accounting and the related company law, come along to our FRS 102 Accounting Update on Tuesday 1 March 2016 at the Camden Court Hotel, Dublin 2. Places are limited and are filling steadily.

For booking details please click here.

3. FRS 102 Transition Service

Please ask us about our bespoke FRS 102 Transition Service where we will examine client accounts before/after transition and give you a tailored report explaining the issues arising and whether the transition has been successful or not. To enquire just send an e-mail to


Our next blog on Investment Properties and FRS 102 will follow next week.


FRSSE and Companies Limited by Guarantee

FRSSE and Companies Limited by Guarantee

FRSSE and Companies Limited by Guarantee

A query came in from a client recently about the application of the FRSSE to charities for 2015. It’s worth repeating here, as general knowledge about the application of the FRSSE. Here is the query ‘I read somewhere that charities in Ireland cannot apply FRSSE and must go to FRS 102 for periods beginning on or after 1st January 2015, because they are classed as public companies, is this correct?’

Our response:

The Financial Reporting Standard for Small Entities 2015 was published in July 2013. It applies for one year only to financial statements of ‘small’ entities (as defined in company law) for accounting periods commencing on/after 1 January 2015.

In order to understand how to apply any standard, it is always a good idea to read the Scope section. The Scope Section is in Part 1.1 and footnote number 9 explains that companies entitled to the small company criteria can use the FRSSE.

I don’t know the date article of the you are referring to, but since 1 June 2015 (under the CA 2014), companies limited by guarantee (including many charities) may now avail of the ‘small’/’medium’ thresholds and file abridged accounts, among other things. See more below. The way in which the CA 2014 was brought into law was unprecedented, as it was based on the date the accounts are approved by the Directors.

Let’s take two companies ‘A’ and ‘B’, both limited by guarantee, with a 31 December 2014 period end. Company ‘A’’s financial statements are approved on 21 May 2015 (i.e. under the Companies Acts 1963 to 2013), while Company ‘B’’s financial statements are approved on 21 June 2015 (under the Companies Act, 2014).

The effect of these approval dates are that Company ‘A’ cannot avail of:

•           Audit exemption

•           Exemption from the presentation of the Cash flow statement under FRS 1

•           Abridged financial statements

•           The FRSSE as it is not deemed to be a ‘small’ entity, but the equivalent of a ‘public’ company as the financial statements were approved before the enactment of the Companies Act, 2014.

Company ‘B’ however can avail of:

•           Audit exemption, unless it is a charity with income in excess of €100,000 when the Charities Act, 2009 requires it to have an audit

•           Exemption from the presentation of the Cash flow statement as it is a ‘small’ entity

•           Abridged financial statements

•           The FRSSE as it is now deemed to be a ‘small’ entity, unless it is a financially regulated entity i.e. an insurance broker (as well as certain other companies included in Sections 8 and 9 of the FRSSE 2015) as the financial statements were approved on/after the date of enactment of the Companies Act, 2014.